Arte Y Café Con La Curadora (Art and Coffee with the Curator): The Voice of the People: Freedom of Speech
Acompaña a la curadora del Rollins Museum of Art, Dra. Gisela Carbonell, para visitas guiadas en español. Se proveerá café y pastelillitos cortesía de Café Don Juan, auspiciador de Arte y Café con la Curadora.
Join Rollins Museum of Art Curator, Dr. Gisela Carbonell, for exhibition tours in Spanish. Coffee and pastries will be provided by our program sponsor, Cafe Don Juan.
Arte Y Café Con La Curadora (Art and ...
Date and Time
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
December 12, 2023 / 6:00 PM
Rollins Museum of Art
1000 Holt Avenue
Winter Park